This is the top one its much bigger than the lower one!!!
Lower bicuspid!!!
Big gap huh???
Okay so I got 2 left side (top & bottom) bicuspids extracted yesterday, Uhh it wasn't as bad as i thought... It didn't hurt I just felt a lot of pressure, well you know what my bottom one did hurt a little I guess because it took a lot of anesthetic to num me on the lower side and I still hurted a little but didn't want to complain I just wanted them to finish!!! Anyways so after the extractions it felt so weird 2 holes in there all of a sudden lol I was so num all the way to my ear that I even went to get a "Tragus" piercing and it didn't hurt a pinch!!! how cool is that. I get my other 2 right side bicuspids on Sep 14th and gonna get that side pierced too. I was originally gonna do 'em all at once but I chickened out but it was better because its hard to eat and that way these are healed by the time I get the other ones extracted. Well as far as the braces go, nothing has really changed I hope that now with all the extra space my teeth will start straighing much faster. Ok well here a couple pictures of my extraction sites...